Teaching leadership, moving minds, and inspiring a generation, one note at a time
Booster News
Concession Stand Fundraiser
Parents: Please sign up for your preferred shifts HERE. Remember, your student earns money for each shift worked that can be used for any band expenses. Students who are 16 and older may also work shifts, but a parent (or other adult that is willing to be responsible for them) must work with them. This counts as two shifts work if you work with your student. Also, please make sure your student can count change properly before taking them to work. When you arrive at the stadium report to the concession stand in the main tunnel and sign into the log book. Your name with your child's name listed beside it must be in the book to get credit for your shift. Times shown are REPORT TIME. If you have any questions please contact Cam Pyle @681-753-8135 or email: polarbearbandconcessions@gmail.com
Location: East/West Stadium
Colasessano's Fundraiser - August 6th-20, 2019
Pepperoni Roll Coupons - $6.00
Pizza Coupons - $14.00
*The coupons do not expire
*Coupons are NOT TRANSFERABLE. They can only be used for the product listed on the coupon.
*Extra topping will be charged to customer accordingly when the coupon is redeemed.
*Coupons do not hold a cash value.
-Collect money at the time of order and submit payment with order form. Order items without payment will not be submitted. Checks made our to FSHS Band Boosters.
-Money and Order sheet returned to Band Room on Wednesday, August 21 (First day of school). Coupons will be available for delivery during the week of August 26th.
-Questions? Email fshspolarbearband@gmail.com
Band Pictures - Thursday, August 8th
Students need to report to the band room by 8:00am to get in uniform and assemble instruments. If you have not been fitted for a uniform yet, you will need to arrive an extra 30 minutes early (7:30am) to be fitted.
The photographer would like to start with the large group and move down in size from there. Her recommendation is 8:30am Full Band Photo (Begin placement and then photo)
Then photos will follow in this order: Sections, Section Leaders, Senior Group, Senior Individual then other individuals. Timing for photos will depend on how long it takes to set up.
Individual photos are not mandatory. Individual photos are only for those who wish to consider purchasing individual pictures.
No money for photos will be collected the day the photos are taken. We will receive instruction on how and when to order them. There will be packages available as well as the ability to order specific sizes and quantities. The prices for individual photos will be as follows:
8x10 - $12
5x7 - $7
4x6 - $5
8 Wallets - $6
11x14 - $20
16x20 - $38
Senior Ads for the Band Spectacular Program
Senior Parents,
I wanted to remind you that the deadline for Senior Ads for the Band Spectacular is fast approaching. If you would like to place an Ad in the Band Spectacular Program, those need to be turned in to the blue box in the band room by August 15th or given to Stephanie Bennett. Along with your ad layout, you need to submit payment to the FSHS Band Boosters at the time of your ad. Full page ads are $100, 1/2 page ads are $60, 1/4 page ads are $40, 1/8 page ads are $25. The invoice for the ads are available in the band room.